18 - 20 April (upstart 17 April evening) Performance Art Links is hosting an international workshop for performance art. The idea is to link together classes and students from the schools which have performance art in their curriculum.
PALs workshop brings together students from KKH (Sweden), Sverigefinska folkhögskolan i Haparanda (Sweden), SAMK (Finland), Østfold University College (Norway), SMFA Boston (USA), University of Arts in Poznań (Poland)
3 days the students will work together with Aapo Kustaa Korkeaoja (Finland), Agnes Nedregard (Norway), Chuyia Chia (Singapore/Sweden, Göteborg ), Johannes Blomqvist (Sweden) and Marcel Sparmann (Germany) and will present their works on the festival on 22 April along with other artist in the frame of "Performance art guide to ordinary life...".
The program of the workshop also includes lectures by Ileana Pintilie (Romania) and BBB Johannes Deimling (Germany).
In collaboration with schools:
SAMK, Satakunta university of applied sciences in Kankaanpää (Finland)
NTA Norwegian theatre academy/Østfold University College (Norge)
Royal Institute of Art, Kungl. Konsthögskolan (Sverige)
DOCH, Dans och Cirkushögskolan (Sverige)
Svefi, Sverige finska Folkhögskolan i Happaranda (Sverige)
SMFA, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, (USA)
University of Arts in Poznań, (Polen)