6 january 2018 🎉 Closing Party!
Performance in collaboration with PALS, the festival participants, visitors and specially invited guests!

IMG 1879
*** dance *** party *** music *** performance *** fun ***
The Closing Party is a social readymade performance.
We invite everybody to an open performative environment to kick back and relax, to reflect upon days of the festival program and to party! Everybody are welcome to paraphrase, comment or simply give feedback on particular works. Drinks, music, actions by PALS members, by invited guests, as well as your own friendly expressions and performative interventions are on the menu.
To help you with your expressions we are welcoming you to Performance Materials buffet - a buffet of recycled materials from the festival performances!

Lovisa Johansson
Denis Romanovski
Hiroko Tsuchimoto
Erik Wijkström
And specially invited guests: Cia Runesson and Torbjörn Steiner!
DJ: Lars Brink

*** Welcome! *** And have fun! ***

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