25 April, Friday 18.00-24.00 at Fylkingen,


The festival is opened with pomp and circumstance at Fylkingen.

The fully packed performance art program goes on until midnight.


Chelsea Coon (USA) Remain, durational – all day

Liv Strand (Sweden) Textile Location, 20 min

Johannes Bergmark (Sweden) An acoustic study of sticks and surfaces, 30 min

Victor Petrov (Belarus), Unity, 20 min

Alejandra Herrera Silva (Chile/USA ) Role/Lifetime, 30 min

Stuart Lynch (Denmark) Fashion Zombie - Part 1, 30 min

Marie Gavois (Sweden) ”-tsssss… när det regnar”.

Arti Grabowski (Poland) Wrong way, wrong... , 25 min

Justus Keinänen (Finland), 5min

Katri Kainulainen (Finland), 10-20 minutes

Stina Fors (Sweden), 20 min

Tine Hammerbo (Denmark) Beware of the mental.

26 April, Saturday

15.00-16.30 performance starts at Södermalmstorg

Elin Wikström (Sweden) Two walks. Company: Dersu, Madam Thévenot and Eli – the old man. Packing: a map, a baguette and a shopping chart.

18.00-24.00 at Fylkingen

Iris Smeds (Sweden) The Actress; The Oracle; The Tragedy, 15 min

Julischka Stengele (Germany) From Vienna to Stockholm with Love, 30 min

Lisa Gideonsson & Gustaf Londré (Sweden) G & L, 30 min

VaidaTamoševičiūtė (Lithuania), ”One more try”, 2 hours, (durational, outside Fylkingen)

Nastja Säde Rönkkö (Finland) Ain't no mountain high enough, 30 min

József R. Juhász (Slovakia), IDIOMS nr. 7, 40 min

Hélène Matte (Canada) Rose’s permutations, 25 min

Marta Kotwica (Poland) 15 min

Andrea Kronqvist Edwall (Sweden)

Henrik Koppen (Norway), 15 min

Kajsa Sandström (Sweden) 15 min

Marilyn Arsem (USA) Marked Time II, 30 min

27 April, Sunday at Södermalmstorg/Slussen


Johannes Bergmark (Sweden), An acoustic study of the wind, 4 hours

Pavana Reid (Norway/N.Ireland/Thailand) Breaking Silence, 2-3 hours

József R. Juhász (Slovakia) no title, 1 hour

Blå Stenback (Sweden) Balancing the Binary.

Tiara Jenkins (USA)

15.00 Elin Wikström (Sweden) Two walks. Company: Dersu, Madam Thévenot and Eli – the old man. Packing: a map, a baguette and a shopping chart. 1h30min. Performance starts at 15.00 at Sötermalmstorg

16.30 Södermalmstorg - 18.30 Fylkingen Jelili Atiku (Nigeria) Ologbere (Oginrinringinrin II)





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Münchenbryggeriet, Torkel Knutssonsgatan 2


Free admission!